Sorry if this seems strange.
I wonder what your take on this is.
I lived in SE Asia last year and was there for several months. In that time I met a Thai guy. But the main reason for my long trip was looking for a break and get over an ex. He wasnt the best guy in the world.
This guy was lovely and after a period of time, dating etc we began a sexual relationship. It was a small island so we spent lots of time together (so unlike a normal situation where you may date but see each other a few times a week)
Ive always been very careful and never slept around. However, one time we had an accident.
I was meant to go to meet his mother but had to fly back as my visa was running out, but intended on coming back to the island again, after a trip home to the UK to tie up loose ends and check on my flat etc..
However, the day I was leaving I did a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant, I was alone in Bangkok by this point.
It was a shock but a welcome surprise as my baby wasnt unwanted by either of us. However we obviously hadnt been together that long.
Due to being pregnant I decided to stay in the UK to have my baby and then go back to see him. Due to hormones on my part and me not dealing with things very well, due to my own things I had going on, its only recently I have been good at calling him etc (he was always very interested and tried to call a lot)
We have spoken quite a few times recently and had some nice chats etc. the other day (Monday) he said to me ''thank you for having my baby'' (so sweet) and then he said ''I would like you to marry me''.
Hes a nice guy. I just hope his feelings are genuine. I do not mean that to be nasty, but I havent the best self esteem as my ex wasnt that good to me. But is it possible hes genuine?
Its quite unusual for a Thai man to date a Western woman. Im not rich or anything. Hes Thai / Muslim and I dont want him to feel he has to marry me. Obviously me and him will talk but your neutral respectful opinion would be great.
I go back in January for a long time. I just wondered what your take is on this.
Ive had a tough old time of it and would like to think this is my good karma! and finally have some happiness ;-)
Update: I dont send him money = but I am supporting our baby in the uk.
Didnt think he would shoot blanks! we had an accident with contraception!!