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1. To ensure unanimity of purpose within the organization
2. To provide a basis or standard, for allocating organizational resources
3. To establish a general tone or organization climate
4. To serve as a focal point for individuals to identity with the organization’s purpose and direction and to deter those who cannot form participating further in the organization’s activities
5. To facilitate the translation of objectives into a work structure involving the assignment of tasks to responsible elements within the organization
6. To specify organizational purposes and then to translate these purposes into objectives in such a way that cost, time, and performance parameters can be assessed and controlled.
Reuben Mark, former CEO of Colgate, maintains that a clear mission increasingly must make sense internationally. Mark’s thoughts on vision are as follows:
When it comes to rallying everyone to the corporate banner, it’s essential to push one vision globally rather than trying to drive home different messages in different cul-tures. The trick is to keep the vision simple but elevated: “We make the world’s fastest computers” or “Telephone service for everyone.” You’re never going to get anyone to charge the machine guns only for financial objectives. It’s got to be some-thing that makes people feel better, feel a part of something.