Points of agreement
As with any field of theory and practice, there are rival views and intense debates. This is especially true among scholars. One characterization of scholars holds that they spend 80 percent of their time debating about the 20 percent of a subject on which they disagree. Pointing out these differences is important, and this will take place throughout the book. Even more important is the need to point out areas of agreement, for it is here that the solid core of HRD theory and practice can be found. In contrast, areas of disagreement create the tension required for serious reflection and inquiry by scholars and reflective practitioners, ultimately yielding renewal and advancement
HRD is an evolving discipline, which make for exciting debates within the profession. It is important for those engaging in and listening to the debates not to lose sight of their points of agreement. Four overriding points of agreement include belief in human potential, the goal of improvement, a problem solving orientation, and systems thinking