To have a good diet is very important for us to get a .....1) life. We need to eat a of foods from groups to stay healthy. To help have healdy food should follow the following suggestions: Have breakfast to make a good quent....... (2) to the day. Have tasty and healthy meals that are good for your health and body. Avoid large snacks before start ......(4) and between meals. Eat well-balanced meals with as well as main and side dishes. ......5) food, Make a good Maale. ....(6) of various foods. Eat enough grain such as rice and other cereals to maintain sufficient intake of ......(7) from carbohydrate. Drink milk and eat green/yellow ........ (8), beans and small fish to get a sufficient amount of calcium intake. Eat enough vegetables and fruit everyday to get vitamins ...(9), minerals and fibers. Avoid salty foods and reduce the amount of salt intake to less than 10 grams per day. Avoid oily and fatty foods and make a .....choice of fat from animal, plant, and fish. Chew (11) your food well and do not eat too quickly. Acquire knowledge of foods and cooking... (12)