Study on the quality of the charcoal from eucalyptus bark, mixed with charcoal from some types of natural materials. The study is intended to make charcoal from eucalyptus bark, which is the residual material from the industry, the quality of education and the eucalyptus charcoal from eucalyptus bark when mixed with charcoal from some types of natural ingredients by studying the charcoal from eucalyptus bark. Find charcoal from eucalyptus bark can be used as well. There is no smell. The explosion and smoke as a fire and when the charcoal from eucalyptus bark to mix with charcoal from natural materials such as wood shavings, rice hulls from charcoal and coconut shell charcoal ratio from eucalyptus bark, charcoal and other types of natural materials: it = 50: 50, 70: 30 and 90: 10 without the weight and go up Aqua.A Bomb Calorimeter is used by maron found that charcoal gives up heat from the charcoal is charcoal from eucalyptus bark: Kala in the ratio 50: 50 by weight which gives up heat 7 calories per gram, and the charcoal 510.32, minimal heat value coal from eucalyptus bark is: ถ่.From the chaff in the ratio 50: 50 by weight which gives up heat, 5 calories per gram and 980.25 considering coal price factor involved. I found that the battery that can be used in conjunction with charcoal from eucalyptus bark, or be mixed with charcoal from eucalyptus bark, sticks and pellets were the most appropriate and cost-effective is the charcoal from coconut shell.