I stopped by the office to greet Orsted.
Then went through the basement to use the magic teleportation circle.
We had previously established a teleportation circle near Milis.
We were teleported into the depths of a forest not far from Milishion.
We're in the basement of an abandoned mansion.
Even if I ask myself why there's an abandoned mansion in the forest,
it seems that in this world villages near forests are frequently swallowed up.
This is one of those villages.
It's mossy, and the mansion's basement is full of ivy.
In such a place, the magic formation glows dimly.
The mansion is neglected, but perhaps because it's supported by the trees it won't collapse soon.
Although occasionally adventurers come from neighboring towns, so I hid the room to the magic formation with a secret passageway, and I left a treasure chest in the room with the entrance to the passage.
I only left some useless magic items in the chest, but most adventurers will be satisfied with that and return. [7]
We're moving on foot from here.
Because Zenith is essentially disabled, traveling is slow.
There aren't any strong monsters in the vicinity of Milis, but it's still necessary to advance steadily.
Oh yeah, speaking of monsters.
When I visited this forest with Orsted to install the magic formation,
I remembered seeing a certain monster for the first time.
A goblin.
Green skin, about half the size of a human.
Lustful and belligerent, they are the world's weakest class of monster.
Living in tribes, they occasionally capture members of other races and impregnate them.
They can't be communicated with and view people as enemies, attacking on sight.
But in truth, there are those who think goblins may not be monsters but members of the demon race.
They live with a very primitive lifestyle in caves in the depths of the forest.
Living in cave-type dwellings, they survive as groups of hunters.
Although the craftsmanship is poor, they use simple tools like clubs and stone knives.
Also, although I only caught a glimpse, it looked like goblin parents show something like love for their children.
I don't think they're that different from primitive humans, they're simply treated as monsters because of their low intelligence.
If they could understand their words, things may be a little different.
But, this is Milis Continent.
Such a creature would never be acknowledged in the Holy Kingdom of Milis. [8]
Possibly, Goblins might immediately attack people only because of bad blood from past times.
Surely, the goblins share a history of struggle with Milis.
If I think about it Goblins are a pitiable creature.
Maybe it would be a different story if they inhabited the Central Continent.
Rather than a demon, they might have been recognized as a low-class Magic race...
While thinking that, I effortlessly eliminated any Goblins that came to attack us along our route to Milishion.
No, I'm not about to start a Goblin Welfare Organization.
I won't forgive goblins for attacking me even if they're pitiable.
After exiting the forest, we're about 7 days from Milishion.
We stopped in a village to buy a horse-drawn carriage.
Even if I said carriage, it's more like a poorly constructed cart, but it will be better than walking.
The lithograph is heavy, after all.