5. Ethics and privacy
Ethics and privacy have always been a main concern in data
management. They are now of big interest with big data. This
is due to the multi-dimensionality of big data:
• Due to the huge volume of data more pieces of valuable
information can be identified or inferred than it was
possible before.
• The high velocity of data makes feasible analysis in real
time and thus a continuous refining of users’ profiles.
• The variety of data sources make users traceable. In
addition the diversity of data types allows data owners to
build more complex and rich profiles of users. Moreover,
this variety leads to a diversification of business plans
making big data more attractive at a bigger level.
This ability to infer new insights from big data with an impact
on privacy brings Mayer-Schönberger and Cukier [91] to define
big data as “things one can do at a large scale that cannot be
done at a smaller one, to extract new insights or create new
forms of value, in ways that change markets, organizations,
the relationship between citizens and governments, and
Thus presented, one can think big data era is exclusively
valuable for business people. In accordance to what Davis
and Kord said [1], we think that big data era is also worth
for the man in the street. It can be seen through services