Thank you so much for your kind and sincere message to me. i really feel love reading your message today, how is everybody doing in your family, i hope they are all in good health, my dear, i have read your email and i understand your heart, what you like and what you don,t like, i have this same experiences with my ex wife when we got divorce, i was hurt so much because she really misbehave herself, but i thank God today that everything is over and i have my happy life now with my only son Jerry,
we can plan together and have a happy home if you really love me from your heart, i appreciated you and i appreciated your experiences in terms of knowledge. i think is a good advantage for me and you to be together as one family in love, i have told my son Jerry about you and he was very happy to have a kind step mother like you, honey remember if you love me you will also love my only son Jerry because me also i will love our children to come and take care of them
i have made up my mind to spend the rest of my life with you with sincere heart and love from my heart, honey please remember i have pass through pains from my ex wife this is why i decided to have a distance relationship because i swear in my life that i will not marry an European woman again in my life, and i am happy that my son Jerry also like my plans because he feel so bad any time he see other of his friend mother, he will start crying because he never have motherly care since his life, please i will love you to take my son same your child, honey i promise you that i will take good care of you and your family and children because now we are one family.
honey i will like you to tell me more things about your country and the culture of your country and the marriage traditions of your country. i will send to you my photo and the photo of my son Jerry and my company so that you will see me well, then when i receive your message again i will reply you back and we plan together and reason together because i will like to relocate to your country and establish my company in Thailand so that me and you will have enough time for our self and our children,
i will wait to read from you as soon as possible.
have a nice day my love and always think about me because i love you.
you can call to me any time you want because i am free to answer your call any time. +447010059582.
have a nice day my love.
kiss bye
David rossi.