The rich data provided by this study’s assessment leads to several practical recommendations to assist students, teachers, administrators, and parents. Despite the current economy, mobile learning and 1:1 learning is a goal in many school districts. The verdict on 1:1 devices is mixed. Many researchers suggested the usage of mobile learning devices such as iPads was effective in academic success, but especially had use in teaching mathematics (Alagic, 2003; Berk, 2010; Hamilton, 2007; Hubbard, 2000; Mendicino & Heffernan, 2007; Park, 2008; Rosen & Beck-Hill, 2012). Many other studies had inconsistent and stagnant results, not to mention millions of dollars in technology maintenance (Holcomb, 2009; Hu, 2007; Rockman, 2004, Silvernail & Gritter, 2004; Texas Center for Educational Research, 2009). Recommendations of longer study duration, incorporating different mathematics applications, using students from various elementary grades, and the addition of qualitative data collection such as satisfaction and confidence as de-pendent variables are suggested for further research studies on 1:1 mobile learning device inter-ventions may show positive impact. The current study’s results do not dismiss the usage of iPads in the classroom, but rather encourages educators, principals, and school officials to further inves-tigate the uses of the device in the classroom.