Cambodia is a small country, approximately 181 035 km2, located in between Thailand,
Vietnam and Laos in South East Asia. It has a humid and monsoonal climate (National
Institute of Statistics of Cambodia, 2008).
At the last census, conducted in 2008, Cambodia had a population of 13 395 682, growing at
approximately 1.54% per annum. Ninety per cent of this population are Khmer, with the
remainder of the population consisting of immigrants, and ethnic minorities. Over 80 per
cent of the population live in rural areas, with an average household size of 4.7 persons
(National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia, 2008).
In 2005, Cambodia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was approximately USD$5.3 billion. It
has been experiencing approximately nine per cent growth. Historically, Cambodia’s primary
industry has been agriculture, but strong industrial growth has reduced its importance. In
2005, agriculture represented 31.4 per cent of GDP. Now, the textiles and manufacturing
LandCambodia is a small country, approximately 181 035 km2, located in between Thailand,Vietnam and Laos in South East Asia. It has a humid and monsoonal climate (NationalInstitute of Statistics of Cambodia, 2008).PopulationAt the last census, conducted in 2008, Cambodia had a population of 13 395 682, growing atapproximately 1.54% per annum. Ninety per cent of this population are Khmer, with theremainder of the population consisting of immigrants, and ethnic minorities. Over 80 percent of the population live in rural areas, with an average household size of 4.7 persons(National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia, 2008).EconomyIn 2005, Cambodia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was approximately USD$5.3 billion. Ithas been experiencing approximately nine per cent growth. Historically, Cambodia’s primaryindustry has been agriculture, but strong industrial growth has reduced its importance. In2005, agriculture represented 31.4 per cent of GDP. Now, the textiles and manufacturing
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..