Today, we can do it in the bathroom of the building where the school is late, to a lesser-used bathroom. When we do not have the
bathroom floor has four rooms. Our room, in the end, a big room with a large mirror and sink in to us, he does a good mood. Hearing room as well as people entered and closed the door, I do finish, turned to pull the toilet I Tissue out badly at that moment, we could hear the room next to us young tissue it abundantly foods around. ... that's right, she has a toilet with our side. We knocked on my wall But there was no response from the room next door I doubt he would do that this girl is. Shit, why are people knocking on the room. I shrugged it off thinking it's okay. He did not want to talk to the deputy's hand to tap water from automatic water basin rubbed his face. I do not tolerate damp tissue to another class (aka an eye), washing up done, we open the door to the bathroom was not thinking anything. But what we see is a side room next to us, it was empty. Two next room was open. Without any sign of people at that time was very puzzled when we geeks are sure that people are equipped with them. The atmosphere was very quiet when he was pulled off the toilet door, we hear but do not hear the door open to the sound of water that sinks will not hear it, of course not. Because less water and virtually no noise at all and we were not too distraught. It also attracted a knock on the wall, there is a dialog asking if I was sure that the noise pull toilet inside the room. Tissue Box to our room in the adjoining room next to it when he pulled it touched. It is inside us all day, so we went back rooms perplexed, but not scared and not sure scare the course.