The objective of the SUPREME project is to collect, analyse, summarise and publish best practices in
road safety in the Member States of the European Union as well as in Switzerland and Norway, with
a view to implementation in as many partner states as possible. By making the study results
available to a broad target audience across Europe – and thereby encouraging the take‐up of
successful strategies – the project wants to contribute to reaching the 50% reduction target of road
fatalities, which the European Commission set in its White Paper ʺEuropean transport policy for
2010: time to decideʺ (2001).
Analysis, synthesis and further selection of collected data were carried out along nine categories of
measures and cover all areas of road safety work.
1. Education & Campaigns
2. Driver Education, Training & Licensing
3. Rehabilitation and Re‐Licensing
4. Vehicles (incl. ITS)
5. Infrastructure (incl. ITS)