Similarly, for the formation of sediment, casein micelles are destabilised due to the action of Pseudomonas peptidases and aggregate which results in the development of sediment. Thus, the formation of cream layer and sediment can be divided into three stages: enzymatic reaction, aggregation of destabilised fat globules/casein micelles via diffusion (particle formation) and ascending or descending of large aggregates according to Stokes' law. The subsequent gelation of UHT milk was described as a two-step process. In the first step, polypeptides dissociate from casein micelles, e.g., because of residual proteolytic activity. The second step consists of physicochemical reactions leading to the formation of a three-dimensional network ( Datta and Deeth, 2001 and Gaucher et al., 2008). However, the exact mechanism of gel formation in UHT milk remains yet unclear ( Gaucher et al., 2008 and Rauh et al., 2014).