3.4 Problems/Solutions/ SWOT Analysis
The problem and solution of a trips
Our problem is that then he places most of the ancient city, which customers tend to be the
least, the cost of trip very cheap because we want to attract customers to buy so that effect
our company gets few percent from earning.
1. Product
The product of Sum – Rann tour is Chiang Saen. There are the ancient town that
doesn’t interest our target market group to come because of the old historical place
and a lot of temples. So, we have to accept this weakness point of our company.
2. Price
For the above of problem, that is uninterested our customer to come. If we sale the
tour trip in expensive price absolutely they don’t come. So, we set the price in very
law price. That effect our company gets few percent from earning.
3. Place
The location that was set to sale the ticket are far from interested people and difficult
to sold on because D1 set more table to manage capacity and shield our booth.
4. Promotion
The customer would like to travel with cheaper price. Therefore, we set the price to
contractors’ price. That effect our profits are more decease but that guarantee we have
certainly customer.
Finally, the ways to promote our tour that narrow. We can promote just only our
booth and on Facebook but sometimes no one know our tour.
5. Packaging
We set the tour with Break meal. Hence, that effect to our cost more expensive and
profit are not much.