Rotary Turret Assembly --The rotary turret basically consists of a series of receiving
funnels mounted to a rotating disc. Each receiving funnel is positioned directly over a
container as they rotate together under a fixed filling head. The filling head continuously
dispenses product into the receiving funnels as they pass under the filler. The
product then flows down through the receiving funnel into the container.
The containers are transferred from a conveyor into the turret and back onto the conveyor
by a set of container stars and guides. The stars and guides are specifically
sized for each container and must be changed when running different size containers.
The volume of the fill is controlled by the rate at which the product is dispensed from
the filler relative to the rate at which the turret rotates. The turret speed is set to the
desired number of containers per minute, then the product rate of dispense is matched
to the turret speed. The accuracy of the fill is controlled by the rate of dispense, the
consistency of the fills are controlled by the funnel carrier, which has machined pockets
equally spaced around the turret.
The machine is designed to fill product at a constant rate continuously without starting
and stopping. Since the fill accuracy depends on the product dispense rate relative to
the turret speed, any variations between the two will have an affect on the accuracy
and consistency of the fill. If the speeds are matched and run consistently, the fills will
be consistent. If the turret speed fluctuates, the fill volume will vary. If the rate of product
dispensing fluctuates, the fill volumes will vary.
If other equipment on the same packaging line, downstream of the rotary filler cannot
keep up with the desired CPM, they will cause the filler to stop and start due to containers
backing up in the system. This is an undesirable condition for a rotary powder
filler. They are not designed to start and stop. When the turret starts rotating from a
stopped position, it requires a small period of time to ramp up to speed. Similarly,
when it is told to stop, it requires a small period of time to ramp down. Any container in
the process of being filled during this ramping phase will not be accurately filled,
because of the fluctuations in speed between the turret and dispense rate. Rotary
powder fillers are designed to run at a steady state for long periods of time. As a
result, the rotary turret CPM should be set slower than the slowest machine downstream
to it. Running the rotary filler at a steady state will provide the most efficient
container output.
Rotary Turret Assembly --The rotary turret basically consists of a series of receivingfunnels mounted to a rotating disc. Each receiving funnel is positioned directly over acontainer as they rotate together under a fixed filling head. The filling head continuouslydispenses product into the receiving funnels as they pass under the filler. Theproduct then flows down through the receiving funnel into the container.The containers are transferred from a conveyor into the turret and back onto the conveyorby a set of container stars and guides. The stars and guides are specificallysized for each container and must be changed when running different size containers.The volume of the fill is controlled by the rate at which the product is dispensed fromthe filler relative to the rate at which the turret rotates. The turret speed is set to thedesired number of containers per minute, then the product rate of dispense is matchedto the turret speed. The accuracy of the fill is controlled by the rate of dispense, theconsistency of the fills are controlled by the funnel carrier, which has machined pocketsequally spaced around the turret.The machine is designed to fill product at a constant rate continuously without startingand stopping. Since the fill accuracy depends on the product dispense rate relative tothe turret speed, any variations between the two will have an affect on the accuracyand consistency of the fill. If the speeds are matched and run consistently, the fills willbe consistent. If the turret speed fluctuates, the fill volume will vary. If the rate of productdispensing fluctuates, the fill volumes will vary.If other equipment on the same packaging line, downstream of the rotary filler cannotkeep up with the desired CPM, they will cause the filler to stop and start due to containersbacking up in the system. This is an undesirable condition for a rotary powderfiller. They are not designed to start and stop. When the turret starts rotating from astopped position, it requires a small period of time to ramp up to speed. Similarly,when it is told to stop, it requires a small period of time to ramp down. Any container inthe process of being filled during this ramping phase will not be accurately filled,because of the fluctuations in speed between the turret and dispense rate. Rotarypowder fillers are designed to run at a steady state for long periods of time. As aresult, the rotary turret CPM should be set slower than the slowest machine downstreamto it. Running the rotary filler at a steady state will provide the most efficientcontainer output.
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Rotary Turret Assembly --The rotary turret basically consists of a series of receiving
funnels mounted to a rotating disc. Each receiving funnel is positioned directly over a
container as they rotate together under a fixed filling head. The filling head continuously
dispenses product into the receiving funnels as they pass under the filler. The
product then flows down through the receiving funnel into the container.
The containers are transferred from a conveyor into the turret and back onto the conveyor
by a set of container stars and guides. The stars and guides are specifically
sized for each container and must be changed when running different size containers.
The volume of the fill is controlled by the rate at which the product is dispensed from
the filler relative to the rate at which the turret rotates. The turret speed is set to the
desired number of containers per minute, then the product rate of dispense is matched
to the turret speed. The accuracy of the fill is controlled by the rate of dispense, the
consistency of the fills are controlled by the funnel carrier, which has machined pockets
equally spaced around the turret.
The machine is designed to fill product at a constant rate continuously without starting
and stopping. Since the fill accuracy depends on the product dispense rate relative to
the turret speed, any variations between the two will have an affect on the accuracy
and consistency of the fill. If the speeds are matched and run consistently, the fills will
be consistent. If the turret speed fluctuates, the fill volume will vary. If the rate of product
dispensing fluctuates, the fill volumes will vary.
If other equipment on the same packaging line, downstream of the rotary filler cannot
keep up with the desired CPM, they will cause the filler to stop and start due to containers
backing up in the system. This is an undesirable condition for a rotary powder
filler. They are not designed to start and stop. When the turret starts rotating from a
stopped position, it requires a small period of time to ramp up to speed. Similarly,
when it is told to stop, it requires a small period of time to ramp down. Any container in
the process of being filled during this ramping phase will not be accurately filled,
because of the fluctuations in speed between the turret and dispense rate. Rotary
powder fillers are designed to run at a steady state for long periods of time. As a
result, the rotary turret CPM should be set slower than the slowest machine downstream
to it. Running the rotary filler at a steady state will provide the most efficient
container output.
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