Physical examination revealed an alert male in severe
painful distress with normal vital signs and no evidence of
trauma. His right pupil was 4 mm and reactive, whereas his
left pupil was 6 mm and nonreactive with evidence of a
yellowish mass posterior to the iris (Fig. 1). Gross inspection
of the left eye revealed a mild perilimbic flush without
conjunctival injection and a hazy cornea. Visual acuity in the
right eye was within normal limits, and evaluation of the left
eye revealed no light perception. Funduscopic examination
was limited due to corneal haziness. Intraocular pressure in the left eye measured by applanation tonometry was 89 mm
Hg, and in the right eye, less than 20 mm Hg. Fluorescein
examination was negative, and slit lamp examination was
deferred due to the patient's severe pain.