The main aim of this study was to examine the perception and adjustment of adolescents towards divorce. This study used the Perception of Children towards Parental Divorce Scale by Kurdek and Berg, the Homeostasis Gestalt Process of by Woldt .This population consisted of all secondary school students in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Random samples of 20 schools from four districts were selected in this study involving 300 students from single homes as respondents with 15 from each school. The findings showed that adolescents’ perception towards divorce can be both positive and negative. Adolescents faced the normal reactions towards divorce by fearing peer ridicule, by being involved in the blaming self and others for the divorce. The findings of the t-test showed no significant differences on most items on the perception towards divorce according to gender. In terms of adjustment the findings showed the adolescents both adjusted positively and negatively building relationships as well as showing resistance as an aftermath of the divorce. Counselling and parent education strategies need to be developed and implemented to help reduce the effects of divorce among adolescents.