Highly dispersed hard saline–sodic soils are important agricultural land reserves in the world. These soils
are difficult to be ameliorated by conventional amendments because of poor soil properties. The
objectives of this study are to screen a highly efficient inorganic polymer soil amendment using
laboratory experiments and to evaluate its effectiveness in soil improvements and grain yield promotion
under paddy field conditions using field experiments. Compared with control soils cultivated with rice
for one year without PAFS treatment, the pH of the 0–8 cm and 8–16 cm layers of PAFS-treated soil
decreased from 10.70 and 10.75 to 8.94 and 9.99, respectively, soil CaCO3 contents decreased by 29.49%
and 16.19%, respectively, and contents of silt-plus-clay particles decreased by 46.06% and 14.55%,
respectively. Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity increased from 0.05 mm d1 to 40.01 mm d1 and soil
bulk density decreased from 1.55 g cm3 to 1.29 g cm3 in the 0–8 cm soil layer. Soil exchangeable Na+
exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), and salinity (ECe) in the 0–8 cm soil layer were reduced by
61.92%, 63.23%, and 45.61%, respectively; in the 8–16 cm soil layer, the corresponding values decreased by
34.91%, 34.57%, and 37.47%, respectively. Rice yields with PAFS application in the first year of cultivation
were as high as 4.66 t ha1
. By contrast, rice yields without PAFS application were only 0.83 t ha1 in plots
cultivated with rice for one year and 1.55 t ha1 in plots cultivated with rice for two years. Therefore, PAFS
is effective for amending hard sodic soils.
Highly dispersed hard saline–sodic soils are important agricultural land reserves in the world. These soilsare difficult to be ameliorated by conventional amendments because of poor soil properties. Theobjectives of this study are to screen a highly efficient inorganic polymer soil amendment usinglaboratory experiments and to evaluate its effectiveness in soil improvements and grain yield promotionunder paddy field conditions using field experiments. Compared with control soils cultivated with ricefor one year without PAFS treatment, the pH of the 0–8 cm and 8–16 cm layers of PAFS-treated soildecreased from 10.70 and 10.75 to 8.94 and 9.99, respectively, soil CaCO3 contents decreased by 29.49%and 16.19%, respectively, and contents of silt-plus-clay particles decreased by 46.06% and 14.55%,respectively. Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity increased from 0.05 mm d1 to 40.01 mm d1 and soilbulk density decreased from 1.55 g cm3 to 1.29 g cm3 in the 0–8 cm soil layer. Soil exchangeable Na+,exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), and salinity (ECe) in the 0–8 cm soil layer were reduced by61.92%, 63.23%, and 45.61%, respectively; in the 8–16 cm soil layer, the corresponding values decreased by34.91%, 34.57%, and 37.47%, respectively. Rice yields with PAFS application in the first year of cultivationwere as high as 4.66 t ha1. By contrast, rice yields without PAFS application were only 0.83 t ha1 in plotscultivated with rice for one year and 1.55 t ha1 in plots cultivated with rice for two years. Therefore, PAFSis effective for amending hard sodic soils.
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