SUPER GYRO TOWER 1200 /110M - 5 –
1 .
E n g i n e e r i n g
The entire engineering of all ride components such as the structural column calculations,
the cabin design as well as the design of the brake unit will be based on the DIN 4112 /
EN13814 standards and all other standards related thereto. The electrical engineering
will be carried out in accordance with European standards.
The structural calculations regarding wind loads (max. wind speed: 45 m/sec. at a
height of 10m), shape factors and seismic loads (0,05 g horizontal) are according to the
European standards.
The ride will be self-supporting onto the foundation base. INTAMIN will supply
foundation loads and locations, whereby the Buyer will be responsible for the
appropriate sizing of the foundations, based on local soil conditions and other local
All Review Meetings are considered to be held in Schaan – FL at Supplier’s office to
maximize the presence of all the engineers and the related information. Meetings held
abroad will be charged as per Advisory Rate
2 .
T o w e r S t r u c t u r e
Intamin supplies the main tube, which is approx. 91 m long and 2.75
m in diameter. The main tube is divided in elements for