Once the stages have been defined, the project leader determines a provisional schedule for carrying out the stages which is then discussed with the team. If, for example, the team members would like one stage to be longer, they have to ask the project leader. In any case only the project leader can decide and authorize a progression from one stage to another. This element of control enables a parallel progression of the groups’ work, allows the schedule to be followed precisely, and also encourages well structured and planned teamwork which should lead to social cohesion within the team and an end product that corresponds to the original specifications. Obviously, there cannot always be such a linear definition of the project as a certain amount of trial and error is sometimes necessary, therefore it always remains possible to go backwards through the stages.
3.4. Computer environment to support project-based learning
Our aim was to design an environment that incorporates all the tools necessary for the learners’ collective activity. While fashion dictates the use of different tools (for instance Word® for editing documents, Eudora® for E-mailing and Netmeeting® for synchronous meetings), we feel that for learners to be using numerous software products at the same time will increase their intellectual workload. In a learning context this extra load would not be favorable. The simpler the interface and use of the tools, the more learners will be able to concentrate on their activities. This simplicity calls for an environment comprising all the necessary tools to be designed. The amount of time and energy spent on the development will of course be greater, but this is the only way to develop a system that any learner can use, irrespective of his/her competence in computing. Moreover, there is another advantage to this investment.
Existing software is often quite prohibitive, and difficult to analyze. Another of our aims is to facilitate collective learning based on information obtained from the computer system (this part of our research is not discussed in this paper). The design and development of our own tools allow us to collect data on the groups’ activities and on the teams’ activities, and these data is then analyzed and used by the system in the aim of promoting collective activity.
We therefore designed and developed an environment, called SPLACH1, which integrates various tools to support a collective project between distant learners. It incorporates asynchronous communication tools (E-mail and discussion forum), a synchronous meeting tool which allows textual discussion and sharing of applications, a scheduling tool in the form of a calendar for the team which provides learners with coordination on the project, a tool to write reports during the project and, finally, specific educational robotics tools from the Roboteach application. The SPLACH environment, developed entirely in Java, is built on a client/server architecture.
เมื่อมีการกำหนดขั้นตอน ผู้นำโครงการกำหนดตารางเวลาสำรองสำหรับการดำเนินการขั้นตอนที่แล้วได้กล่าวกับทีม หาก เช่น สมาชิกในทีมต้องระยะหนึ่งจะมีความยาว พวกเขาจะต้องถามผู้นำโครงการ ในกรณีใดๆ ผู้นำโครงการเท่านั้นสามารถตัดสินใจ และอนุมัติความก้าวหน้าจากขั้นหนึ่งไปยังอีก นี้องค์ประกอบของการควบคุมช่วยให้ก้าวหน้าควบคู่กันของกลุ่มงาน ช่วยให้กำหนดการหลังแม่นยำ และยัง สนับสนุนให้ทีมโครงสร้าง และแผนดีที่ควรนำไปสู่สังคมสามัคคีภายในทีมและเป็นผลิตภัณฑ์สุดท้ายที่สอดคล้องกับข้อกำหนดเดิม อย่างชัดเจน มีเสมอไม่เช่นคำนิยามเส้นตรงของโครงการเป็นระยะลองผิดลองถูกบางครั้งจำเป็น ดังนั้น ก็ยังคงอยู่เสมอไปย้อนหลังผ่านขั้นตอน3.4 การสิ่งแวดล้อมคอมพิวเตอร์เพื่อสนับสนุนการเรียนรู้ตามโครงการOur aim was to design an environment that incorporates all the tools necessary for the learners’ collective activity. While fashion dictates the use of different tools (for instance Word® for editing documents, Eudora® for E-mailing and Netmeeting® for synchronous meetings), we feel that for learners to be using numerous software products at the same time will increase their intellectual workload. In a learning context this extra load would not be favorable. The simpler the interface and use of the tools, the more learners will be able to concentrate on their activities. This simplicity calls for an environment comprising all the necessary tools to be designed. The amount of time and energy spent on the development will of course be greater, but this is the only way to develop a system that any learner can use, irrespective of his/her competence in computing. Moreover, there is another advantage to this investment.Existing software is often quite prohibitive, and difficult to analyze. Another of our aims is to facilitate collective learning based on information obtained from the computer system (this part of our research is not discussed in this paper). The design and development of our own tools allow us to collect data on the groups’ activities and on the teams’ activities, and these data is then analyzed and used by the system in the aim of promoting collective activity.We therefore designed and developed an environment, called SPLACH1, which integrates various tools to support a collective project between distant learners. It incorporates asynchronous communication tools (E-mail and discussion forum), a synchronous meeting tool which allows textual discussion and sharing of applications, a scheduling tool in the form of a calendar for the team which provides learners with coordination on the project, a tool to write reports during the project and, finally, specific educational robotics tools from the Roboteach application. The SPLACH environment, developed entirely in Java, is built on a client/server architecture.
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