he Nokia Lumia 925 and the iPhone 5s look somewhat similar. In fact, both devices really do share most of the same build materials. Metal wraps both of their sides. The iPhone 5s has a glass and aluminum wrapped rear while the Lumia 925’s rear is made up of polycarbonate plastic.
In the six months I used the iPhone 5s as my only device I never once dropped it. That being said, if I had there’s no doubt in my mind that it would look like an epic mess by now; I’ve seen what a two foot drop can do the iPhone 5s, especially when its not in a case.
Less than a week into owning the Lumia 925, I dropped it in an airport parking deck. Being used to the iPhone 5s’ fragility I expected it to be the end of the device’s good looks at least. Falling from a height of about three feet, the Lumia 925 actually bounced off its rear and landed face down. I expected it to be horrifically mangled.
I have yet to notice a single scratch.