Pasting properties of the rice flour were determined using a rapid
visco analyser (RVA) (Newport Scientific model 4-SA, Warriewood,
Australia) by following ICC standard method No 162 (ICC, 1994).
Sample (3 g based on 14 g of moisture per 100 g of flour) was added
to 25 mL of water. The mixture was heated to 50 C for 1 min and
then heated to 95 C at a rate of 12.2 C min1
. After holding at 95 C
for 2.5 min, the mixture was cooled to 50 C at a rate of
11.8 C min1
. The rotational speed of the paddle was maintained at
160 rpm through the run, except during the first 10 s, when a
960 rpm speed was used. Peak viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity
and setback (difference between final viscosity and peak viscosity)
were evaluated. Three replicates were carried out per sample.