Did heart failure prevent you from living as you wanted the past 4 months by:
Making you sit or lie down to rest during the day 3.77 1.10 0–5
Making your walking about or climbing stairs difficult 3.93 1.11 0–5
Making your working around the house or yard difficult 3.87 1.14 0–5
Making your going places away from home difficult 3.27 1.44 0–5
Making your sleeping well at night difficult 3.77 1.25 0–5
Making your relating to or doing things with family or friends difficult 3.20 1.47 0–5
Making you short of breath 4.23 0.90 0–5
Making you tired fatigues or low on energy 4.17 0.70 0–5
Emotional quality of life α = 0.87 15.60 6.30 0–40
Making you feel you are a burden to your family or friends 3.13 1.63 0–5
Making you feel a loss of self-control in your life 3.20 1.71 0–5
Making you worry 3.43 1.43 0–5
Making it difficult for you to concentrate or remember things 2.43 1.55 0–5
Making you feel depressed