I work in senior scrub and technician position. This position to provide customers information. for example how to have a lasik done. price conclude a detail for prepare to operative assessment. Scrub positon, i will prepare a mechanic for doctor operation conclude to check all of mechanic that ready to use in operation room. and last one Technician position, I use a eye tool for example Zywave Matchine, This Zywave Matchine use for check an higher abberation of eye if you have many complicate without check with visual acuity.
for my Strength
first . I'm high responsible. I never left a problem. I try to solve the problem finally if i can't , I will ask senior for help. for example in my job life, I never come late. I never left the problem. I'm working hard when I start to do anything I will go on until the job is done.
I love to study and learn a job. so If you look at my profile. I never graduate from medical area. that is mean I would like to show you i can learn and study a job that made my team and manager trust me.
and 2. I can liaise with team and another function and I'm not afraid to ask them If I don't know what the next process.
3. I'm a good human relations
and 4. Document manage , I can use Microsoft word because this scrub and technician position , I responsible in patient's monthly report and every monday I let check all of supply that enough to run on process or not.
and 5. I am polite and respect a rule include seniority
for my weakness
first 1.