L2 norm provides better results with moderate
and low noise levels although it requires high sampling
frequency, high digitizing resolution, and higher
computing time to achieve its full performance
L1 needs both low cost
hardware and lower computing time using conventional
architectures. Also, results show that 6-8 b of resolution
are enough for most applications
while L1 and L2 norms
L2 method requires a high resolution (10-12 b)
from the A/D converter to reach maximum accuracy (Fig.
5). In contrast, correlation
L1 norm show no increase
in performance when digitizing with 6 or more bits. This
fact allows the use of low resolution (cost) converters for
applications requiring a moderate level of accuracy
Fig. 4). However,
for the L1 and L2 algorithms, errors tend to be rather constant
if the relation between the sampling frequency and
the fundamental signal frequency f, lfbecomes higher than
twice the Nyquist criterion. Thus, taking at least five samples
per period makes the S/N ratio to be the limiting
factor, which allows us to reduce the A/D converter cost,
memory requirements, and computing time.
Fig. 3 shows the performance of the different
digital signal processing (DSP) methods as a function
of S/N ratio. As can be expected, errors increase with
decreasing S/N ratios, this effect being much more noticeable
when the envelope is extracted by peak tracking.
When high noise levels are present, correlation yields the
best results. It is interesting to note that the error obtained
with this method levels out at about 0.1 mm. This fact is
a consequence of the limiting factor of the sampling period.
With S/N ratios above 20 dB, errors which are about
two orders of magnitude lower than those found with conventional
threshold techniques can be expected
Modijied LI norm: Step 2) From the first guess of To,
a minimum for s(k) in discrete time points is searched for.
This gives an interval of three consecutive samples, where
the central sample is lower than its adjacent ones. Step 3)
These intervals are halved and the process continues again