Supported by the Plant Genetic Conservation Project
Office under the Royal Chitralada Palace, this activity involves the
original natural forest and distributes plants throughout the country
in all floristic regions outside the responsibility of the Royal Forest
Department. Plants are distributed to government agencies, research
centres, experiment stations, academy institutes, schools, temples or
other areas where people come together to protect plant genetic.
Several other types of lifelong learning sources have also
been renovated and improved, including museums and historical
parks under the supervision of the Department of Fine Arts, arts and
cultural centres, sports and recreation centres, as well as museums
of Natural Science.
2.1.4 Linkage among Three Types of Education
The 1999 National Education Act acknowledges
the importance of all types of education. Relevant agencies and
educational institutions are therefore working to create links
between formal, non-formal, and informal education systems.
Credit accumulated by learners will be transferable within the same
or between different types of education, regardless of whether the
credits have been accumulated from the same or different educational
institutions, including learning from non-formal or informal
education, vocational training and work experience.
It is expected that access to education will be increased
from the transfer of learning outcomes to and from all types of
education. In so doing, credits can be accumulated and transferred
within the same type or between different types of educational
approaches and learning.
A more flexible educational system, with the ability to
transfer learning outcomes and validate experience, will help increase
access to and create links between all types of education. This will
not only draw future generations of Thai people toward lifelong
learning but also eventually lead to a learning and knowledge-
based society. The reform of non-formal and informal education is
necessary to cultivate the culture of lifelong learning and create a
learning society.