From studiesidentified in thisreview , the overall
weighted mean prevalence of pain experienced
by patientswas47% (range 6—100%). The weighted
mean prevalence of pain found in studies of patients
recruited from lung cancer outpatient clinicswas
27% (range 8—85%). One of these studies only recruited
patients with metastases, and another only
recorded the prevalence of pain that scored at least
six on an 11 point numerical rating scale. When
these two studies are excluded, the weighted mean
prevalence of pain in outpatient clinicswas37%.
The weighted mean prevalence of pain in general
hospital studies was similar (36%; range 9—58%) but
washigher in studiesof patientsattending cancer
treatment centres(65%; range 50—71%) and was
even higher in patientsreferred to palliative care
services: 76% (range 63—88%). In addition, two studieswere
identified that recruited consecutive patientsreferred
to pain clinics(s ample sizes218 and
221). Not surprisingly, the prevalence of pain experienced
by patientsattending these pain clinicswas