Traffic problems in Khon Kaen University
Khon Kaen University is a large area, and there are communities or households are within the University. They were using the road always time . In addition, there will be a personnel of the University's own vehicles, there are also vehicles of people in order to push public University. The problem is the traffic jam resulted in many impact, such as accidents.
Because there are so many areas of the University. It is also the top universities of the Northeast of Thailand. The students and personnel of the university as well. Vehicles are more and as a result, be it bicycles, motorcycles and cars. Moreover, within the University, there are also communities and households, with a population increase within the University's vehicles are more. A car on the road all the time. And because the road within guests can drive through it. It was followed by more problems. Because of they don’t know the rules and do not respect traffic laws, both from public and university personnel. Having as many vehicles, causing traffic jams, especially during rush hour, such as the first classes of the day will be many cars. Cars are a lot because most of the students want to study vehicle driving and working hours of people and general public with a hustle here. Make the person violated the traffic rules, such as general hand red lights cause much impact. The impact
The effects of having so many vehicles in the University, such as a traffic jam problem. Accidents that riders do not respect traffic rules. Which, in some cases resulting in life as well as used cars using roads, which is something that nobody wants to happen. In some cases, result in life to those who use the road. Which is something that nobody wants to happen. But they still lack the personnel basket hard on this issue. These problems occur all along. There is no strict enough measures to manage. The accident happened so frequently.
Traffic problems in Khon Kaen University caused by a driver of a vehicle and the road in the area of the university a lot. Moreover, a public person can also be driving vehicles on University. It can also cause problems with traffic occur. Universities should have a protection or measures to solve the problem better than this, and should have a narrowing of those illegal acts seriously to achieve orderly in the University community.