The National Education Association established a Department of School Nurses.
1969 ANA's Board of Directors established a task force to explore more effective ways of meeting the high costs of operating essential association programs.
ANA's Board of Directors appointed an ad hoc committee on ways to enter the academy of nurses.
ANA's Board of Directors established a committee to consider questions of interrelationships between the commissions, congress, and board of directors.
ANA issued a statement on graduate education in nursing.
The estimated number of registered nurses employed in nursing is 680,000.
The American Association of Critical Care Nurses was organized.
1970 ANA's Board of Directors adopted a statement on new careerists.
The National Commission for the Study of Nursing and Nursing Education published An Abstract for Action, a series of recommendations concerning the improvement of nursing and nursing education.
The House of Delegates approved measures to create a Commission on Nursing Research.
The House of Delegates action on planning for health manpower agreed to: seek active participation with groups studying new approaches to the delivery of health services; see active involvement in assessing the need for and defining the scope of practice for new health workers; take positive action in the following areas – establishing the right of the nursing profession to determine its own scope of the practice of nursing with continued efforts to remove non-nursing activities from the practice of nursing – defining appropriate education and training needs for assistants to nursing, and – retaining for nurses the responsibility for nursing care.
The House of Delegates voted to increase ANA dues from $12.50 to $25.00.
Hildegard E. Peplau (New Jersey) elected president of the American Nurses Association, 1970 – 1972.
The ANA convention was held May 3 – 8 in Miami Beach, FL. Convention theme: “Be Involved”
The House of Delegates approved a bylaw provision for a new associate member category.
The estimated number of registered nurses employed in nursing is 700,000.
The National Education Association established a Department of School Nurses. 1969 ANA's Board of Directors established a task force to explore more effective ways of meeting the high costs of operating essential association programs. ANA's Board of Directors appointed an ad hoc committee on ways to enter the academy of nurses. ANA's Board of Directors established a committee to consider questions of interrelationships between the commissions, congress, and board of directors. ANA issued a statement on graduate education in nursing. The estimated number of registered nurses employed in nursing is 680,000. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses was organized. 1970 ANA's Board of Directors adopted a statement on new careerists. The National Commission for the Study of Nursing and Nursing Education published An Abstract for Action, a series of recommendations concerning the improvement of nursing and nursing education. The House of Delegates approved measures to create a Commission on Nursing Research. The House of Delegates action on planning for health manpower agreed to: seek active participation with groups studying new approaches to the delivery of health services; see active involvement in assessing the need for and defining the scope of practice for new health workers; take positive action in the following areas – establishing the right of the nursing profession to determine its own scope of the practice of nursing with continued efforts to remove non-nursing activities from the practice of nursing – defining appropriate education and training needs for assistants to nursing, and – retaining for nurses the responsibility for nursing care. The House of Delegates voted to increase ANA dues from $12.50 to $25.00. Hildegard E. Peplau (New Jersey) elected president of the American Nurses Association, 1970 – 1972. The ANA convention was held May 3 – 8 in Miami Beach, FL. Convention theme: “Be Involved” The House of Delegates approved a bylaw provision for a new associate member category. The estimated number of registered nurses employed in nursing is 700,000.
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