3. Data and sample our sample of companlas comprises the FTSE All Share constituent frms. CG data are collected from the largest cG data provider to inensona! investors. cca supplied by RskMetrics Group. CGQ provides CG rankng for 7.500 firms worldwide since 2003. Therefore, our sample period starts wih 2003 Year 2008 is the most recent at the time of year undertaking the analysis of the present paper. This deabase contains 55 CGQ goernance factors which span eight categories of CG including board. compensation, audit. takeover and Table provides a summary of CG ratings variables provided by RiskMetrics. Analyst following data are collected from FactSet. a unique dataset provided by FactSet Research systems Inc. which provides analytics to investment professionals to download. combine and manipulate financial data for insight into global market including UK stock the market. We merge the analyst folowing data with CG data using companies stock Exchange Daily Official ust SEDOL) numbers. We morge 2.852 rm-year observations for the number of analyst following with 2.514 firm-year observations from cco using SEDOL numbers. This leads to an initial sample of 1.577 firm-year observations. To test H1. we use the natural logarithm of total assets as a for firm size. We collect proxy total assets from Worldscopo eem number wc02999). We remove firms with missing total assets data, this ends up with a sample of 1.514 firm observations (Table II) year To test H2 we t accounting data from World In particular. we calculate Tobin's as total assets (Worldscope item number wc02999) loss the book value of equity Worldscope item wc05476) mutiplied by the number of shares outstanding plus the market value of equy (Mv) divided by total asse We use total debt (Worldscope item number wc03255) to compute total debt total assets ratio (DA) and capital expenditure (Worldscope item number wco4601) to compute capital expenditurenotal assets ratio (CA) we remove frms with missing accounting data: this leads to a sample of 1,505 firm-year observations (Table III)