A recipe of shrimp cracker (a type of crispy biscuit) enriched with shrimp shell protein was developed from
underutilized shrimp shell wastes and the effects of different amount of shrimp shell powders on the quality and shelf
life of the products were studied. Shrimp industry wastes (head, appendages, carapaces, and shell) were thoroughly
washed, dried in hot air oven at 60○C for 24 h and ground by a blender. Fine shrimp shell powder thus obtained was
used for making shrimp crackers. Hydrolyzed vegetable oil, was beaten by hand and other ingredients such as
powder milk, sugar, oil, baking powder, flour and vanilla essence were mixed to make a dough. Various levels of
shrimp shell powder (5%, 10%, and 20%) were mixed to the dough to enrich with shrimp protein. The dough was kept
flatted in a tray, cut into pieces of different shape by dies and put into the oven at 100○C for 8 minutes. Increasing the
quantity of shrimp shell powder in shrimp crackers increased the protein content but the quality in terms of taste, color
and flavor was slightly decreased. Using of 10% shrimp shell powder obtained the best quality shrimp crackers, in
terms of both protein enrichment and sensory quality. Quality of shrimp crackers was tested by both subjective and
objective methods. Products made with 10% shrimp shell powder had an acceptable bacterial load in refrigeration up
to 45 days but in room temperature up to 30 days. Low storage quality in room temperature might be due to
inadequate packaging in the laboratory condition. This research revealed that high quality protein fortified shrimp
crackers could be manufactured from unutilized shrimp shell wastes.
A recipe of shrimp cracker (a type of crispy biscuit) enriched with shrimp shell protein was developed fromunderutilized shrimp shell wastes and the effects of different amount of shrimp shell powders on the quality and shelflife of the products were studied. Shrimp industry wastes (head, appendages, carapaces, and shell) were thoroughlywashed, dried in hot air oven at 60○C for 24 h and ground by a blender. Fine shrimp shell powder thus obtained wasused for making shrimp crackers. Hydrolyzed vegetable oil, was beaten by hand and other ingredients such aspowder milk, sugar, oil, baking powder, flour and vanilla essence were mixed to make a dough. Various levels ofshrimp shell powder (5%, 10%, and 20%) were mixed to the dough to enrich with shrimp protein. The dough was keptflatted in a tray, cut into pieces of different shape by dies and put into the oven at 100○C for 8 minutes. Increasing thequantity of shrimp shell powder in shrimp crackers increased the protein content but the quality in terms of taste, colorand flavor was slightly decreased. Using of 10% shrimp shell powder obtained the best quality shrimp crackers, interms of both protein enrichment and sensory quality. Quality of shrimp crackers was tested by both subjective andobjective methods. Products made with 10% shrimp shell powder had an acceptable bacterial load in refrigeration upto 45 days but in room temperature up to 30 days. Low storage quality in room temperature might be due toinadequate packaging in the laboratory condition. This research revealed that high quality protein fortified shrimp
crackers could be manufactured from unutilized shrimp shell wastes.
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