The AHA Guidelines were released in
September 2012. The AHA intends to evaluate
their implementation in the Australian hepatology
nursing context in 2015.
Potential conflict of interest
Jacqui Richmond and Emily Wheeler were
employed by the Australasian Hepatology
Association (AHA) to develop the AHA
Consensus-based Nursing Guidelines. Sherryne
Warner and Susan Mason represented the AHA
Board and membership during the development
process. Funding was provided by the AHA
membership, supplemented by unrestricted educational
grants from Bayer Health Care, BristolMyers
Squibb, Gilead Sciences and Merck Sharp
and Dohme, Australia.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the commitment
of individuals who contributed to the
development of the AHA Guidelines, including
the AHA Membership and the AHA Board,
members of the Expert Writing Groups and the
Expert Review Panel.
The AHA Guidelines were released inSeptember 2012. The AHA intends to evaluatetheir implementation in the Australian hepatologynursing context in 2015.Potential conflict of interestJacqui Richmond and Emily Wheeler wereemployed by the Australasian HepatologyAssociation (AHA) to develop the AHAConsensus-based Nursing Guidelines. SherryneWarner and Susan Mason represented the AHABoard and membership during the developmentprocess. Funding was provided by the AHAmembership, supplemented by unrestricted educationalgrants from Bayer Health Care, BristolMyersSquibb, Gilead Sciences and Merck Sharpand Dohme, Australia.AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the commitmentof individuals who contributed to thedevelopment of the AHA Guidelines, includingthe AHA Membership and the AHA Board,members of the Expert Writing Groups and theExpert Review Panel.
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