In contrast to this, meiosis in Z7 showed mainly regular pairing in bivalent associations (Table 3). but univalents occurred in some cells,quadrivalents in a few. The centromeres arefairly distinct at metaphase I and apparent in
many bivalents as small scissor-like protrusions from the centromere regions (Fig. 53). Anaphase I showed regular chromosome separation as 15
chromosomes separated regularly to each pole (Fig. 55).The individual positions show that
homologous chromosomes actually separate as expected for chromosome distribution with basic number x= 15. Characteristic of chromosome
distribution at anaphase I is presence of one or two lagging chromosomes in some cells (Table 4).
These laggards are often lost in the spindle and do not become included in the tetrad cells. Inversion bridges were present in about 2% of the anaphase I cells. About 6% of the tetrad cells
contained a microcell, two microcells occurred in a few cells.