'Do you really think this is murder?' asked Grant
as they sat in Logan's office back at the London
Road Police Station.
'I don't know,' answered Logan. 'But I know this:
I don't like Mr Johnstone and I don't believe Mrs
Madennan. She hasn't toId us everything about
her and her husband.'
Grant drank his coffee and Logan looked out of
the window. Logan spoke again: 'We won't hear
from the scientists until later today. Before then I
want you to find out about Mr Johnstone. What's
his problem? Why is he so unfriendly?'
'Right, madam,' agreed Grant.
'I'll meet you back here at three o' clock. I'm
going to talk to Ian Ross about the restaurant.
Perhaps I'll get a free lunch.'
'Police officers never get a free lunch, madam.'
Logan left the police station and drove back to
her flat to shower, put on some clean clothes and
have something to eat.
Logan lived in Leith, in the north of Edinburgh, by
the sea. Many years ago Leith was busy. Lots of
boats came in and out every day. These days
there were few boats and many of the old
buildings were now flats for the young people of
Edinburgh. Logan was only twenty-eight but she
did not feel young this morning. When she
thought about murder, she always felt old.