Ineffective messages don't get results. A reader who has to guess what the writer means may be wrong. A reader who finds a letter or memo unconvincing or insulting simply won't do what the message asks. In 1986, Frank Grazian said that between 15 percent and 30 percent of business and government letters and memos were written only because the first document didn't do the job.
________3. The stated main idea sentence in this paragraph is
A. Ineffective messages don't get results.
B. A reader who has to guess what the writer means may be wrong.
C. A reader who finds a letter or memo unconvincing or insulting simply won't do what the message asks.
D. Frank Grazian said that between 15 percent and 30 percent of business and government letters and memos were written only because the first document didn't do the job.
Law enforcement officers are constantly faced with danger. Events go form routine to life-threatening in seconds. The rick of being shot or having to shoot someone is high. Each year over 50,000 police officers are assaulted. Fifty-five were feloniously killed in 1996.
____________4. The stated main idea sentence in this paragraph is
A. Law enforcement officers are constantly faced with danger
B. Events go from routine to life-threatening in seconds.
C. The rick of being shot or having to shoot someone is high.
D. Each year over 50,000 police officers are assaulted.
In 1974 Arizona and New Mexico elected governors of Spanish-speaking background. New Mexico elected its second Hispanic governor in 1982. About twenty Hispanic Americans currently serve in the House of Representatives. More than four thousand Hispanic Americans nationwide hold public office. The number of Hispanic Americans now in elected office is the highest in our country's history.
_________5. The stated main idea sentence in this paragraph is
A. In 1974 Arizona and New Mexico elected governors of Spanish speaking background.
B. New Mexico elected its second Hispanic governor in 1982
C. About twenty Hispanic Americans currently serve in the House of Representatives.
D. The number of Hispanic Americans now in elected office is the highest in our country's history.