The biohydrogenation of C18:3 n-3 in the
rumen, which was almost complete for both
diets (92.6 to 94.6%), emphasized that in dairy
cows and for the same daily intake of C18:3
(3.8 to 3.9 g/kg DM intake/d), the high fat
ration rich in medium- and long-chain saturated
fatty acids (milk diet: 9.9% DM) did not reduce
microbial hydrogenation rate of C18:3. These
results confirmed previous observations from a
similar experiment in dairy cows fed a diet
containing full-fat rapeseed (7% DM) (25). In
spite of a higher C18:3 content (10.0 vs. 3.6
g/kg DM intake/d in the control diet), the
authors obtained very high C18:3 hydrogenation
(88.5%) for control and lipid-supplemented
diets, which emphasized the possibility of a
very limited captation of C18:3 and, therefore,the inefficiency of C18-3 protective capacity of
rumen microorganisms, whatever the amount or
the composition of fat in the diet.
The biohydrogenation of C18:3 n-3 in therumen, which was almost complete for bothdiets (92.6 to 94.6%), emphasized that in dairycows and for the same daily intake of C18:3(3.8 to 3.9 g/kg DM intake/d), the high fatration rich in medium- and long-chain saturatedfatty acids (milk diet: 9.9% DM) did not reducemicrobial hydrogenation rate of C18:3. Theseresults confirmed previous observations from asimilar experiment in dairy cows fed a dietcontaining full-fat rapeseed (7% DM) (25). Inspite of a higher C18:3 content (10.0 vs. 3.6g/kg DM intake/d in the control diet), theauthors obtained very high C18:3 hydrogenation(88.5%) for control and lipid-supplementeddiets, which emphasized the possibility of avery limited captation of C18:3 and, therefore,the inefficiency of C18-3 protective capacity ofrumen microorganisms, whatever the amount orthe composition of fat in the diet.
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