1. Purpose/Objective
One of the root causes of many accident is “Act before thinking”.
There are many work procedures that have been established to encorange staffs and contractors to communicate potential hazards and be aware risks before starting working. For example the permit to work procedure required the permit issuer should communicate to the permit holder. The permit holder should indentify and communicate the potential hazards, risks and prevention/mitigation measures to worker. But most often, this step has always been bypassed for time saving.
The effective Toolbox talk is designed to reinforce the practical way that we (PTTGC staffs and contractors) maintain the focus on “Safety Awareness” as the first prior to starting any jobs. The “Questions” and “Brainstorming” creating safety awarness are short and simple (KISS, Keep It Short and Simple) steps to think of safety before starting any job. These will lead to achieve safe work.