Conversion: 1 ft 0.305 m.
aDistance measured from edge of the traveled lane to face of curb or railing if no curb is provided.
bDistance measured from edge of traveled lane to face of walls or abutments and piers.
c To minimize structure cost, design tolerances for clearances are plus 4 in, minus 0 in. Sign supports and pedestrian
structures have a 1-ft additional clearance. Clearances shown are over paved shoulder as well as pavement width.
dIf bridge is considered to be a major structure having a length of 200 ft or more, the width may be reduced, subject to
economic studies, but to no less than 4 ft.
eWhere the truck DDHV is 250 or less, may be reduced 2 ft.
f Where the truck DDHV is 250 or less, the right shoulder width may be reduced 2 ft.
gWhere concrete barrier is used on the approach slabs or in advance of the bridge, the preferred shoulder width will
equal the minimum shoulder width.
hA 16.5-ft minimum vertical clearance applies to all rural sections and the single designated route in urban areas. On
other urban routes, not on the single designated route, the vertical clearance should not be less than 15.5 ft.
i If 6 or more lanes, provide 12 ft width. Where truck DDHV is 250 or less, the left shoulder bridge width may be
reduced by 2 ft.
j If 6 or more lanes, provide 14 ft width. Where the truck DDHV is 250 or less, the left width may be reduced 2 ft.
k In locations with restricted right-of-way, may be reduced to a clearance of 8.0 ft right side, 4.5 ft median side, plus
barrier clearance, except where footnote l applies.
l May be reduced to a clearance of 2 ft plus barrier clearance on urban streets with restricted right-of-way and a design
speed less than 50 mi/h (80 km/h).
mMay be 3-ft width if bridge length exceeds 100 ft.
nMay be 3-ft width if turf shoulder is used.
oMay be 2-ft width if turf shoulder is used.
pClear zone width is defined in Art. 6.2.
Source: Location and Design Manual, Vol. 1, Roadway Design, Ohio Department of Transportation, with permission