Results and Discussion
Regeneration of shoot from meristem explants
Regeneration of banana plantlets through meristem culture offers a unique scope of developing disease free planting materials against bunchy top, cucumber mosaic virus and panama wilt. In vitro culture of meristem results hard meristematic ball like structure in regeneration media containing different concentrations of BAP and NAA. The cultured meristem first turned brown in colour in 4-5 days and after 30-50 days later a green globular hard coat mass grew from which adventitious plantlets were developed. Rahaman et al. (2004) observed that hard ball like structure developed from meristem explant in MS media supplemented with 5.0 mg/l BAP. They also noticed that single shoot regeneration from meristem explant was thinner than shoot derived from shoot tip. Similar results were also obtained by Habib (1994) and Ali (1996) in their experiments. They observed that some ball like structures formed at the base of the shoot during shoot multiplication. These ball like structures are suitable for in vitro germplasm conservation.