ICT Minister Uttama Savanayana said every additional 10% of broadband service penetration in the country would expand the value of GDP by 1.35%, according to Bank of Thailand research.
The ministry is considering developing a national broadband policy to foster collaboration with private companies to provide services for all Thais.
Mr Uttama said the agenda of smart public service aimed to provide more safety and transparency.
For example, all state agencies must be able to provide services through the paperless system so that people can access them by showing only their smart identification card.
"Early next year, at least 100 state agencies out of the total of 1,000 will operate the smart service," Mr Uttama said.
For the plan to promote tech start-ups, Mr Uttama reassured the private sector that the government would not play the role of competitor but the ministry would support and develop facilities as well as support collaboration among stakeholders to promote startup companies.
CAT Telecom has been assigned to become a digital accelerator promoting tech start-up firms.
"I prefer to use the new term 'digital Thailand' instead of the 'digital economy', as a digital Thailand means both society and economic affairs will move towards digital development," Mr Uttama said.