Referring to research [1] who shows measurements of ozone gas at Pasar Raya Padang, a score of ozone gas concentration higher than the concentrations measured at the sampling point near Pasar Raya, in this study, namely point 43 are located in Berok Nipah. The concentration of ozone gas at point 43 of 29.44 μg/Nm3, whereas the average concentration of ozone gas lows measured by [1] on the morning of 44.1 μg/Nm3. The difference in the measured concentrations of ozone gas at Padang City on this study and previous studies are due to differences in sampling site conditions. Berok Nipah area whose location is about 1.5 miles from Pasar Raya, an area with quite different conditions with Pasar Raya Padang. Pasar Raya is a trading center at Padang City with high human activity and high transportation every day. The difference in these conditions will affect the factors that affect the ozone concentration causing concentration difference obtained at these two locations.