You came? Come inside. Don't turn back. Stay that way and come forward. There's a chair in the center of this room. Sit there.
It's 11.55 a.m. You're 5 minutes earlier than the time we promised. Well, it's good.
Welcome to this special class room. You [1a]ナ No. You [1b] it's your first time to come here, isn't it?
Yes. It's Shido-sensei here. Your face is questioning that why I am in this room.
Hey! I said that I am this Special Guidance Counselor, right?
Who said that you can asking me question? Without my permission, you have no right to speak.
Hey! I told you not to speak. Can't you understand my words? *laugh* Seems like you a little bit understand your situation you're currently in. Finally. I'll tell you once more. Listen, in this room, you have no privilege to do anything. Right, since you took your first step into this room, I'm not someone who will protect you. Of course, you have no right to speak. Without my permission, you can't open your mouth or making any sound. Just stay still and only say something when I asked you. Okay?
Fix your posture and sit properly!
Right! That's good enough. Well, this is your first time to attend this Guidance class. First I will tell you the rule inside this room. I won't say it anymore, so listen carefully. First, you cannot refuse what I will do from now on in this guidance class. I want you to understand that I am absolute, and everything for you in this room. So to speak, for a school rule breaker like you, it's a special extracurricular class. It means, every act to oppose me, even for only a trivial thing, you'll have to face the consequence.
If you're going to defy me, at that time, think that you're bonded to accept a suitable punishment from me.
This is a guidance to train yourself. It's not an unreasonable thing, right?
Next, you are coming here to seek for my forgiveness. You're self consciously aware that you're a stupid criminal who had committed a stupid sin. And you're going to revise that mistake. And for the lastナ
Promise me that you're going to obey me. Engrave this three rule on your heart, then I will give you my forgiveness.
It's written on your notice letter, right? That a refusal in this guidance will be taken care immediately. Okay?
Since I explain it this far, even someone like you can understand it, right? About how you should behave, no, how you should conduct yourself here.
*chime sound*
Ahナ the chime is ringing on a good time. Well then, should we start it now?
What is it? You're so curious about me taking off my glasses? You seem so calm and composed. This is for training you in the right guidance. Me too, have to put my utmost will. *laugh*