Another advantage of taking traditional classes is the multiple ways to gain perspective and make lifelong connections. Through professors, classmates, clubs, and study groups, I have the opportunity to see things from endless viewpoints. In our discussions and lectures, I can express and form my own opinions in a well-rounded way. By doing so, not only do I benefit myself, but also I benefit those I connect with. They become people who I enjoy interacting with; they aren’t just text on a screen.
Often, students who come to classes can be underestimated in their dedication, motivation and commitment. In reality, for many students, coming to school is a testimony in itself of their will power and dedication to learning. To show up routinely when many students have jobs and other responsibilities is nothing short of dedication. To do this for however long it takes to get a degree shows strength in their commitment and motivation.
Then are the benefits through the extra help offered. This might be tutoring, recitation or staying after class; all of which provide clarity in subjects that may be difficult for students. Many times the help is there as soon as I need it.