with lower risk for alcohol abuse and dependence during
later adolescence. As a final example, Beck et al. [33]
found that teens aged 12 to 17 who were monitored more
closely were less likely to drink than their less-monitored
counterparts, even when controlling for age, gender,
drinking at baseline, and being in various high-risk situations,
such as seeing teens drink, hanging out with friends
who drink, and riding with a driver who had been drinking.
with lower risk for alcohol abuse and dependence duringlater adolescence. As a final example, Beck et al. [33]found that teens aged 12 to 17 who were monitored moreclosely were less likely to drink than their less-monitoredcounterparts, even when controlling for age, gender,drinking at baseline, and being in various high-risk situations,such as seeing teens drink, hanging out with friendswho drink, and riding with a driver who had been drinking.
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