Before completing your listing, make sure you're following these requirements:
If you're listing an art or craft made in 1935 or later and you're describing the item as Alaska Native, Indian, or Native American, you need to:
Include the state or federally recognized artisan’s name and tribal affiliation.
List the item in Collectibles > Cultures & Ethnicities > Native American: US > 1935-Now.
If you're listing an art or craft that's not made by an enrolled member of a state or federally recognized tribe and the item is in the style of a Native American piece:
You should list the item in Collectibles > Cultures & Ethnicities > Native American: US > Non-Native American Crafts.
You're not allowed to describe the item as Alaska Native, Indian, or Native American.
Make sure your listing follows these guidelines. If it doesn't, it may be removed, and your buying and selling privileges could be restricted.
See our policy for more details.