distance n. 1 the amount of space between two places or things what's the distance from Los Angeles to San Francisco I the distance between moon and the sun l We had driven a short the within walking distance when the car broke down. l The bus stop is but close distance of my house. 2 a point or place that is far away enough be seen or heard: The ruins looked very impressive, even to from a distance. We could see the Sears Tower in the distance. 3 keep your a to stay far away from someone or something distance The looked fierce, so I kept my distance. b) keep someone at a dog someone: He tends to distance to avoid becoming too friendly with keep his distance from his employees
I think I have the flu. You'd better keep your distance.
The bus nearly went over a cliff. It stopped a .... distance from the edge.
It was a foggy night, but after we crossed the bridge, we could see the lights of the city......the distance.
John likes Cara, but she seems to be keeping him....... a distance.
Is your office within........ distance from your apartment?
.......a distance, the woman looked a lot like my friend Sarah.