A media processor, T 4 G , for mobile set is described.
3.5M polygon/sec 3D Graphic engine, 15fpsaQVGA
MPEG4 codec engine, 2M pixel JPEG codec engine and
2OMbit DRAM are integrated into 3 single chip with
peripheral modules such as Camera I/F and LCDC. The
3D graphics engine was designed based on 3 Toshiba's
configurable processor MeP (Media embedded
Processor) to achieve high throughput 3D graphics
processing and flexibility. An embedded DRAM provide
ultra high memory bandwidth to the 3D graphics
engine up to 2Gbytelsec. This chip is fabricated using
0.13um CMOS technology and integrates 20M
transistors and 2OMbit DRAM. It operates at 125MHz
and consumes maximum 170mW during 3D graphics