Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam has said, "O son of Adam, it is better for you to give away what you can
spare, and to withhold it is worse for you; but you will not be blamed if you keep back what may barely suffice you,
and spend first on those who are dependent on you."
Note: This subject has also been corroborated by the Ayat at No. 4 above, where Haq Ta’ala Shanohu Himself has
said, "Whatever is over and above your needs, spend it." That Hadith was also mentioned in that place. Here it is
repeated for the sake of emphasis and clarification.
The truth is that anything in excess of the proper needs is not to be held back at all. The best use for it is to have it
deposited in Allah’s Treasury, which never suffers a loss, nor is subject to any mishap. It will be readily available at responsibility, perishes or dies. (Mishkaat).
Abdullah Ibne Saamit Rahmathullah alaihe says that he was with Abu Zarr Radhiallaho anho when he received his
share from Baitul Maal and purchased his requirements from the bazaar, after which he was left with seven Dinaars
(gold coins) and he instructed his slave girl to get them changed into small coins (for distribution). The narrator
advised Abu Zarr Radhiallaho anho to keep the gold coins for a future need, such as entertainment of guests, etc.
Abu Zarr Radhiallaho anho said that his friend Sallallaho alaihe wasallam had settled the issue once for all saying
that if gold and silver are hoarded they would become sparks of the Fire for their owner, unless he spends them for
the cause of Allah. As a matter of fact, so many are the exhortations given by Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam
to spend for the cause of Allah whatever exceeds one’s needs that some Sahabah thought that no one had any
right to keep with them anything exceeding his rightful needs.
the time of extreme adversity and pressing needs, unknown in this life. And there will be no source of income at that
time, except the wealth spent as Sadaqah available as deposits in the storehouse of Allah.
Another fact mentioned in this Hadith is that there will be no blame for keeping things that are needed urgently.
These cover the bare necessities without which life becomes difficult, such as needs of one’s family or some
dependent people or even the animals which are owned by a person and whose care is his responsibility. Any harm
to those due to lack of provisions, will be a sin and a cause of Divine punishment. In the Hadith of Rasulullah
Sallallaho alaihe wasallam it is said that it will be enough to get one condemned, if one whose livelihood is one’s