West Bengal is mainly an agricultural based state in India. The state covers a geographical area of 8,684,113 ha
of which cultivated area is 4,991,222 ha [1]. There are 19 districts in West Bengal and out of these agriculture is the
main economic activities in the 18 districts. Paddy is the major cultivated crop in the state. During processing of
paddy to rice, besides rice bran, rice husk is generated as the main residue. Rice husk is traditionally used as a fuel in
this area. Rice husk, like any other biomass, is used inefficiently in rural West Bengal. The rice husk is generally
used for generating heat for the parboiling of paddy, often at efficiencies below 10% [2]. In recent times, rice husk is
also used in industries as a boiler fuel in the state. But technologies are now available for generating electricity and
heat from rice husk at relatively higher efficiencies. There are 2119 modern rice mills and about 36,000 number of