Table 1 (Panel A) shows descriptive statistics for the price-scaled earnings change variable.7 The total number of observations is 64,466 and the number of available observations per year increases from approximately 3,000 for 1977 to almost 4,000 by 1994. The mean and median earnings changes are primarily, but not exclusively, positive throughout the sample period.
Fig. 1 is a histogram of the scaled earnings change variable with histogram interval widths of 0.0025 for the range -0.15 to + 0.15. The figure shows a single-peaked, bell-shaped distribution with an irregularity near zero which is
consistent with earnings management to avoid earnings decreases: Earnings changes slightly less than zero occur less frequently than would be expected given the smoothness of the remainder of the distribution and earnings changes
Table 1 (Panel A) shows descriptive statistics for the price-scaled earnings change variable.7 The total number of observations is 64,466 and the number of available observations per year increases from approximately 3,000 for 1977 to almost 4,000 by 1994. The mean and median earnings changes are primarily, but not exclusively, positive throughout the sample period.
Fig. 1 is a histogram of the scaled earnings change variable with histogram interval widths of 0.0025 for the range -0.15 to + 0.15. The figure shows a single-peaked, bell-shaped distribution with an irregularity near zero which is
consistent with earnings management to avoid earnings decreases: Earnings changes slightly less than zero occur less frequently than would be expected given the smoothness of the remainder of the distribution and earnings changes
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